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Scheduling Appointments with Members of Congress


Updated: Aug 7, 2019

One of the three main points ASACC focuses on is Advocacy. We believe that through standing together and advocating for what we [as students] believe in, we can achieve great things. We could sit in a conference room for hours on end talking about the changes or improvements that need to be made, but we could only get so far doing that. We need to get up, get out, and open our mouths. We are the leaders of the future and we need our voices heard.

Because advocacy is one of our top three focuses, we strongly encourage you to set up appointments with your Members of Congress. One of the reasons the ASACC National Conference is held in  Washington, DC is for the convenience of you and your school to advocate to your representatives. The entire conference leads up to being prepared and excited to go to the Hill. We have given you time on Monday, March 11th and Tuesday, March 12th  to schedule appointments. Both days you are able to set up appointments from 10:30 am – 5 pm

We believe that through standing together and advocating for what we, as students, believe in.

Here are a couple helpful websites to get assist you in getting appointments made.

Each Member of Congress is a little different in how they prefer to be contacted and visited. You can check with your legislator’s website for more information on how they prefer to be contacted. Other options to setting up a meeting are; faxing a letter in to request a meeting time, call the Washington, D.C. office to ask how they prefer it to be done, or ask other campus leaders and advisors who might have already gone through the process.

Make sure to leave enough time between your meeting and your travel times. Leave the hotel fifteen minutes earlier than planned to make sure you are on time. Whatever you do, don’t be late. Your representatives are very busy, so set up your appointments as soon as possible to make sure they fit you in. If your respective representative is not available, you can meet with a staff member. Speaking with a staff member can be just as effective.

We are excited to see everyone at the conference in March! Come ready with questions, ideas, thoughts, and a fiery passion to carry on to the Hill!

You’ll be posting loads of engaging content, so be sure to keep your blog organized with Categories that also allow visitors to explore more of what interests them.



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