National Student Advocacy Conference
March 15-18, 2025 Washington, DC
Creating the best leaders for tomorrow!
The ASACC National Student Advocacy Conference will take place at the Washington Plaza Hotel from March 15-18, 2025. Since 1984, student leaders from community colleges across the nation have convened in what has become the largest and most diverse annual student meeting held in our nation’s capital annually. The conference focuses on issues critical to the success and persistence of community college students. Over the years ASACC has focused on issues including: Pell Grants, Reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, Employee Educational Assistance, simplifying the FAFSA, student loan interest rates, and using pre-tax dollars to repay student loans to name just a few.

Who is ASACC?

About Us
ASACC is a national organization that provides leadership, citizenship, and advocacy development opportunities for community college student government leaders. We are the only student association dedicated exclusively to the community college student leaders and strive to provide opportunities for these students to network and share a common voice on national issues.